import math
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.linalg import matrix_exp as expm
except ImportError:
from torch import matrix_exp as expm
from .utils import _extra_repr
from .skew import Skew
from .exceptions import NonSquareError, VectorError, InManifoldError
def _has_orthonormal_columns(X, eps):
k = X.size(-1)
Id = torch.eye(k, dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device)
return torch.allclose(X.transpose(-2, -1) @ X, Id, atol=eps)
def cayley_map(X):
# compute (I+X/2)(I-X/2)^{-1}
n = X.size(-1)
Id = torch.eye(n, dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device)
return torch.linalg.solve(Id.add(X, alpha=-0.5), Id.add(X, alpha=0.5))
[docs]class SO(nn.Module):
trivializations = {"expm": expm, "cayley": cayley_map}
def __init__(self, size, triv="expm", lower=True):
Manifold of square orthogonal matrices with positive determinant parametrized
in terms of its Lie algebra, the skew-symmetric matrices.
size (torch.size): Size of the tensor to be parametrized
triv (str or callable): Optional.
A map that maps skew-symmetric onto :math:`\operatorname{SO}(n)`
surjectively. It can be one of ``["expm", "cayley"]`` or a custom
callable. Default: ``"expm"``
lower (bool): Optional. Uses the lower triangular part of the matrix to
parametrize the skew-symmetric matrices. Default: ``True``
n, tensorial_size = SO.parse_size(size)
self.n = n
self.tensorial_size = tensorial_size
self.lower = lower
self.triv = SO.parse_triv(triv)
"base", torch.empty(*(self.tensorial_size + (self.n, self.n)))
def parse_size(cls, size):
if len(size) < 2:
raise VectorError(cls.__name__, size)
n = max(size[-2:])
k = min(size[-2:])
if n != k:
raise NonSquareError(cls.__name__, size)
tensorial_size = size[:-2]
return n, tensorial_size
def parse_triv(triv):
if triv in SO.trivializations.keys():
return SO.trivializations[triv]
elif callable(triv):
return triv
raise ValueError(
"Argument triv was not recognized and is "
"not callable. Should be one of {}. Found {}".format(
list(SO.trivializations.keys()), triv
def forward(self, X):
X = Skew.frame(X, self.lower)
return self.base @ self.triv(X)
def right_inverse(self, X, check_in_manifold=True):
if check_in_manifold and not self.in_manifold(X):
raise InManifoldError(X, self)
with torch.no_grad():
return torch.zeros_like(X)
[docs] def in_manifold(self, X, in_so=False, eps=1e-4):
Checks that a matrix is in the manifold.
For tensors with more than 2 dimensions the first dimensions are
treated as batch dimensions.
X (torch.Tensor): The matrix to be checked
in_so (bool): Optional. Checks that the matrix is orthogonal and
has positive determinant. Otherwise just orthogonality is checked.
Default: ``False``
eps (float): Optional. Tolerance to numerical errors.
Default: ``1e-4``
if X.size() != self.base.size():
return False
is_orth = _has_orthonormal_columns(X, eps)
X_in_correct_coset = not in_so or (X.det() > 0.0).all().item()
return is_orth and X_in_correct_coset
[docs] def sample(self, distribution="uniform", init_=None):
Returns a randomly sampled orthogonal matrix according to the specified
``distribution``. The options are:
- ``"uniform"``: Samples a tensor distributed according to the Haar measure
on :math:`\operatorname{SO}(n)`
- ``"torus"``: Samples a block-diagonal skew-symmetric matrix.
The blocks are of the form
:math:`\begin{pmatrix} 0 & b \\ -b & 0\end{pmatrix}` where :math:`b` is
distributed according to ``init_``. This matrix will be then projected
onto :math:`\operatorname{SO}(n)` using ``self.triv``
.. note
The ``"torus"`` initialization is particularly useful in recurrent kernels
of RNNs
distribution (string): Optional. One of ``["uniform", "torus"]``.
Default: ``"uniform"``
init\_ (callable): Optional. To be used with the ``"torus"`` option.
A function that takes a tensor and fills it in place according
to some distribution. See
`torch.init <>`_.
Default: :math:`\operatorname{Uniform}(-\pi, \pi)`
device = self.base.device
dtype = self.base.dtype
ret = torch.empty(
*(self.tensorial_size + (self.n, self.n)), device=device, dtype=dtype
if distribution == "uniform":
elif distribution == "torus":
torus_init_(ret, init_, self.triv)
raise ValueError(
'The ditribution has to be one of ["uniform", "torus"]. '
"Got {}".format(distribution)
return ret
def extra_repr(self):
return _extra_repr(n=self.n, tensorial_size=self.tensorial_size, triv=self.triv)
[docs]def torus_init_(tensor, init_=None, triv=expm):
r"""Fills in the input ``tensor`` in place as a block-diagonal skew-symmetric matrix.
The blocks are of the form
:math:`\begin{pmatrix} 0 & b \\ -b & 0\end{pmatrix}` where :math:`b` is
distributed according to ``init_``.
This matrix is then projected onto the manifold using ``triv``.
The input tensor must have at least 2 dimension. For tensors with more than 2 dimensions
the first dimensions are treated as batch dimensions.
tensor (torch.Tensor): a 2-dimensional tensor
init\_ (callable): Optional. A function that takes a tensor and fills
it in place according to some distribution. See
`torch.init <>`_.
Default: :math:`\operatorname{Uniform}(-\pi, \pi)`
triv (callable): Optional. A function that maps skew-symmetric matrices
to orthogonal matrices.
if tensor.ndim < 2 or tensor.size(-1) != tensor.size(-2):
raise ValueError(
"Only tensors with 2 or more dimensions which are square in "
"the last two dimensions are supported. "
"Got a tensor of shape {}".format(tuple(tensor.size()))
n = tensor.size(-2)
tensorial_size = tensor.size()[:-2]
# Non-zero elements that we are going to set on the diagonal
n_diag = n // 2
diag = + (n_diag,))
if init_ is None:
torch.nn.init.uniform_(diag, -math.pi, math.pi)
with torch.no_grad():
# First non-central diagonal
diag_z = tensor.new_zeros(tensorial_size + (n - 1,))
diag_z[..., ::2] = diag
x = torch.diag_embed(diag_z, offset=-1)
tensor.copy_(triv(x - x.transpose(-2, -1)))
return tensor