Low Rank Matrices
\(\operatorname{LowRank}(n,k,r)\) is the algebraic variety of matrices of rank less or equal to \(r\), for a given \(r \leq \min\{n, k\}\):
It is realized via an SVD-like factorization:
where we have identified the vector \(\Sigma\) with a diagonal matrix in \(\mathbb{R}^{r \times r}\).
- class geotorch.LowRank(size, rank, triv='expm')[source]
Variety of the matrices of rank \(r\) or less.
- Parameters
size (torch.size) – Size of the tensor to be parametrized
rank (int) – Rank of the matrices. It has to be less or equal to \(\min(\texttt{size}[-1], \texttt{size}[-2])\)
triv (str or callable) – Optional. A map that maps skew-symmetric matrices onto the orthogonal matrices surjectively. This is used to optimize the \(U\) and \(V\) in the SVD. It can be one of
["expm", "cayley"]
or a custom callable. Default:"expm"
- sample(init_=<function xavier_normal_>, factorized=False)[source]
Returns a randomly sampled matrix on the manifold by sampling a matrix according to
and projecting it onto the manifold.The output of this method can be used to initialize a parametrized tensor that has been parametrized with this or any other manifold as:
>>> layer = nn.Linear(20, 20) >>> M = LowRank(layer.weight.size(), rank=6) >>> geotorch.register_parametrization(layer, "weight", M) >>> layer.weight = M.sample()
- Parameters
init_ (callable) – Optional. A function that takes a tensor and fills it in place according to some distribution. See torch.init. Default: